The Passing of a Great Woman

It has been my privilege to be involved in Women's Ministries ever since the Department was (re)created in 1995/6. I have met many wonderful and devoted women who were trailblazers and developed a ministry that makes an impact in the Seventh-Day Adventist Church around the world. So many women's lives have been enriched, and empowered and so many have been reached out to. I have been inspired by every woman who has served as Director of this department and I am deeply thankful for their example, love, and friendship. It has always been a special joy to meet these women who have devoted their lives to mentoring and sharing their expertise, experience, and spiritual insights with their sisters around the world. Women's Ministries has become a veritable sisterhood to which every woman can belong.

Last October I had the opportunity to attend the North American Division conference on Adventist Women's History in Washington, DC. It was so good to see one of our pioneers, Ardis Stenbakken, still as chic and smart as ever. Women's Ministries Director Heather-Dawn Small was walking without her walking stick and was radiant and energetic. I have known these wonderful women for more than 25 years. I was so glad that Heather-Dawn seemed in good health, considering her history of multiple knee surgeries. It was a shock to hear of her terminal diagnosis just before Christmas.

As time has passed, we have seen former directors Rose Otis and Dorothy Eaton Watts being laid to rest, awaiting the day of resurrection. Now, Heather-Dawn Small has also finished her life's race and joined the great women of history. I had not expected her to become history so soon.

As I read the devotional by Heather-Dawn on January 1, 2024, in the book He Knows My Name, her words became very poignant as she encouraged us to refocus our lives, spending more time preparing for eternity. Her attitude as she received the devastating diagnosis is a challenge for us. Only a woman of great faith, love, and joy can say like she did, "My sisters, daughters, friends, I love you dearly. I have enjoyed our time together traveling in your fields. God has blessed me tremendously throughout my life and will continue to do so until my last day. I am at PEACE with the diagnosis. I have JOY overflowing. I have JESUS. I am BLESSED."

Heather-Dawn served the women of the church and the world with her whole heart. God has blessed us so much through her work. May we continue in her footsteps. As her life's impact becomes a part of the history of Adventist women, let us remember that we can continue to build what our pioneering sisters began. And let us learn to thank God for all the blessings, even as we grieve, and remember all the good things He has given us through their work. May Heather-Dawn's life and faith encourage us and help us stay faithful until the end.


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