A Flood of Books on Women

Looking from my European standpoint, I am astonished at the number of recently released books on Biblical Womanhood and associated topics in the English language. There are more books than anyone can keep up with. Very good books. Each one brings something old, something new, something borrowed, something … true. Many of these books have opened my eyes and my understanding. Some helped me get a grip on Bible texts that seemed to contradict each other. As a book-lover, I would like to read all of these books, but I am slowly realizing that even the whole world would not have room for all the books that could be written, as John the Apostle said. [1] Maybe, however, all that needs to be said has already been written. At least, I have found the answers I have been looking for. Something seems to be happening in American Christianity. While women in complementarian churches are waking up to the injustice of the discrimination they have been subjected to for the last forty years,...