Let’s Do This Together - End Violence Against Women

As I have done during the last several years, I have posted and planned news and photos on Facebook for #OrangeTheWorld hoping to make an impact to change the world. I have surfed the internet looking for information on violence against women for the sixteen days of activism. I have found more than enough. There is too much violence and abuse of all kinds against women in this world of ours. This year’s emphasis is on femicide, but there are many more forms. Rape, FGM (female genital mutilation, forced child marriage, psychological abuse, partnership abuse, sex trafficking,  are only a few. Many organizations raise their voices to stop violence and abuse and the foremost is UN WOMEN. This is an umbrella joining together all the actions of the United Nations that deal with topics about women, strongly supported by General Secretary Antonio Gutérres.

The Adventist enditnow® campaign started in 2009 as a joint program of the Women’s Ministries Department and ADRA, and it has now been adopted by many other departments, becoming like an umbrella organization of the Seventh-Day Adventist church for abuse prevention. Abuse prevention is so important and should be taken up seriously by the church. We cannot ignore the fact that violence and abuse exist in our churches and families. We would like to think that good Christians do not abuse others, but we have to acknowledge that we have victims of violence and abuse in our churches. In her article on Adventist Today[1], Lindsey Abston Painter shows how abuse is linked to Headship Theology. Although the SDA church has not officially adopted this unbiblical theological stand, many of the elements of so-called Biblical Womanhood have been taught to the young girls and women in the church in schools, workshops, and seminars. Placing men in a position of domination over women is only a short step away from abuse.

During the 16 Days of Activism, organizations all around the world are calling for an end to violence. Many men and women are involved in the fight against abuse and violence. We can only end violence together, with men and women working together to raise awareness that violence should STOP NOW. Once again this year, the Women’s Ministries Department in Germany asked women at an in-person event to participate in a photoshoot and we got great photos of women calling for violence to stop. At the same time, the WM Director launched a request for her male colleagues in leadership to send in their photos for #OrangeTheWorld. We would like to pass on this request to all men who read these lines. Please join the pastor in the photo who raises his hand to say “Stop Violence against Women“ and send us your photo for publication in next year’s campaign. We would like to post photos of men joining in a movement of Adventist men and women who fight to stop violence against women. Please send your photos to womens.ministries@eud.adventist.org

We recognize that God created humans as equals and that equality and respect for all humans is His redemptive goal. Egalitarian legislation is good and protecting women is good. Information and activism is a way toward changing attitudes. But in the end, only a change of hearts will see an end to violence. We should join forces as men and women to call on people to let God change their hearts.


Fotocollage: WM DE 

[1] https://atoday.org/the-tragic-implications-of-purity-culture-and-headship-theology/?fbclid=IwAR3O04EOIWg_UNsMU0D0rgeKTFNHAaDmmuR7n4DajFBoadW2XtAHOJKa2Yk


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