We Have Messed Up the Earth

Living in a temperate climate, I have been used to having cold winters and warm summers. We never thought we would need air conditioning. But things have changed. We are in the middle of climate change and scientists are saying that we have almost passed the point of no return. The last two summers were extremely dry and hot. This summer we are having a mixture of heat and thunderstorms causing vast amounts of rain, and flooding. Hail is clogging the sewers and destroying crops. Streets are transformed into fast-flowing rivers, houses are flooded and even collapsing. Rivers and lakes overflow their banks. Rescue services are working at capacity and still, we hear of people drowning or not being accounted for. I am shocked at the news reports of calamities from all over. Many have lost everything to the flood. Even in areas that are used to flooding, people say that they have never experienced anything like this.

In other parts of the world, the problem is extreme heat. When polar regions are experiencing unheard-of heatwaves and drought and wildfires spread uncontrollably we know that something is wrong. The ice is melting at the poles much more quickly than expected and the global sea level is expected to rise so that islands will disappear and low-lying populated areas will have to be abandoned. „Several studies have demonstrated that measures to prevent black carbon emissions can reduce near-term warming of the climate, increase crop yields and prevent premature deaths.“[1] But are we doing enough to reduce black carbon?

As Christians, we should not be so other-worldly that we ignore what is happening here on earth. It should be self-evident that we care for the environment as good stewards to whom God entrusted His creation. We may be waiting for a new heaven and a new earth, but we have already messed up our first assignment, given to humankind when God took the man and the woman and put them in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.[2]

The young generation is worried and angry because we have messed up their future. We are astonished at what a worldwide impact a Swedish schoolgirl called Greta can make by starting a strike for the climate, demanding that politicians and world leaders act now to save the environment. But I am even more astonished that we as Christians do not seem to care that we are destroying God’s creation. We could do more.

Governments are waking up. Climate conferences are nothing new. In many climate conferences around the world environmental policies have been discussed and resolutions have been made that were implemented half-heartedly. But now the results of this procrastination are becoming visible in the multitude of disasters no one can ignore.

The 2021 UN climate change conference (COP26) is scheduled to take place from 1 to 12 November 2021 in Glasgow. This annual Conference brings together governments from around the world to agree on coordinated action to tackle climate change. The conference is also a space for governments, businesses, local authorities, and civil society to discuss and showcase climate action.

In preparation for this conference, the European Parliament reflected on July 14, 2021, on the new European Commission proposal aiming to reduce greenhouse emissions, designed to achieve the EU's goals of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030. The goal is climate neutral economy by 2050. Europe currently faces unprecedented environmental, climate and sustainability challenges. These include biodiversity loss, climate change, resource use, and pollution.

Maybe we will finally learn from all the calamities we are experiencing that climate change is no hoax even if we are not directly affected by a disaster right now. We will all have to pay the price one way or another. We need to take better care of what God has entrusted to us. Let’s do it.


Photo: tagesschau.de

[1] https://www.ccacoalition.org/en/slcps/black-carbon

[2] The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.

Genesis 2:15 NIV


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