
I used to like watching sports on TV but have now almost given up. Olympic games have lost some of their interest for me due to the enormous scope and the impossibility of getting full coverage and information about so many events. And still, as the 2020 Olympic games in Tokyo were just kicked off on July 23, 2021, these postponed games just became more interesting for me when I read that almost 49 percent of participating athletes will be women. All 206 National Olympic Committees also have at least one female and one male athlete representative. Gender balance in sport has finally almost been achieved. I realize that this is a result of individual women who have spent years in training to become the best they can be in their chosen sport, but also of making more and more sports open to women. The American First Lady Jill Biden expressed it in these words when she addressed the US athletes in Tokyo: "For most of you, the journey to Tokyo began long, long ago. It likely star...