Shattering the Glass Ceiling

Women have long tried to shatter the glass ceiling. Strangely enough, this metaphor is typically American. Europeans need some explanation to be able to understand its meaning. The glass ceiling is a metaphor referring to an artificial barrier that prevents women and minorities from being promoted to high-level positions within an organization. Of course, women have always had to fight for justice and equality, but the glass ceiling is not about general justice and equality. It’s about the chances of women to reach the highest positions. We in Europe have had and still have several female prime ministers and even presidents. They have all at some point broken the glass ceiling. Around the world, there are and have been outstanding women in such positions even in countries where you would not expect it. During the current pandemic, it seems that countries with women in leadership are coping better with the scourge. Women are peace-makers and the United Nations laud the influence of ...