Reflections on Democracy and Freedom

I have often wondered why we do not learn from our history. That is, until I realized that many people do not know our history. Even as a person who has lived more than 75 years on this earth, there are lots of things I do not know, just because I was not an eyewitness. I didn’t experience it myself. That is why we need monuments and museums and information that transmits to succeeding generations what it was like to live in a past era. We need information now more than ever. The last survivors of the Shoah are old and will soon be gone. We need to hear and know their stories. The generation born after the fall of communism needs to hear what life was like for people who lived without freedom. The same could be applied to the whole world with its various experiences of suppression and discrimination. Looking from my perspective in Western Europe, particularly in Germany, it is good to know that our constitution, our Grundgesetz, is based on democracy and equality. No matter what politi...