Standing On The Shoulders Of Those Who Went Before Us

Women have so often been overlooked in history. The North American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church organized a first conference on the History of Adventist Women and their significant contributions to their church from October 12 to 14, 2023, on the campus of Washington Adventist University. The purpose was to increase awareness of the roles of women in the past and increase scholarly research as papers were presented and keynote speakers showed the larger context of Adventist history. Adventist women were involved in the fledgling church right from the start, even though the culture of the time restricted women’s participation. With Ellen G. White as one of the prominent founders of the church, the pioneers strongly supported and defended the role of women in the ministry of the church in all areas. One after the other, women were presented who devotedly served their church, often in difficult situations, even risking their lives and health to spread the gospel trut...