God Save the King

My mother was a singer. For me, as a child, singing was done by women. It was only when the male choir of the Stockholm YMCA came to Helsinki in 1957 to give a concert that I realized that men could sing at all! One of the choir members sang a solo in our church on the Sabbath morning and my eyes and ears were opened. Men could sing! The women’s voices in the congregational singing were dominant, so I had not realized that men could also sing. For the last seventy years, children in the United Kingdom have been singing “God Save the Queen.” If they were anything like me, they probably grew up with the idea that only a woman could reign. At least, a Queen is what they saw. How could a man be a king when a queen was all they had experienced? Changing the text of the national anthem to “God Save the King” is easier than for the nation to get used to having a king after the long reign of the late Queen Elizabeth. Despite a few ups and downs, she did a marvelous job and served her peo...