Are women being treated better today?

For my father it was important to be well-informed, so he subscribed to the weekly Adventist Review and the Youth's Instructor , which came from afar to our northern European country, albeit very late. I loved reading these magazines. The reports and their authors became familiar to me through their pages. The first thing I always read was the column "Dear Miriam," in which Miriam Wood answered young people's questions. Over the course of twelve years, she wrote nearly 150 articles, each time balanced, wise, courageous, and positive. Her last contribution appeared on December 29, 1994,[1] and she looked back on 40 years of writing for her church. Miriam Wood was the popular Ann Landers for the Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) Church. She was the wife of the longtime editor-in-chief of the Adventist Review, Kenneth Wood, but her column was launched by his successor, William Johnsson. A prolific author, she published 16 books that included stories of people who gave devot...