To Leave or to Stay: How Women Can Change the Church
Editor’s note: This is a CBE 2021 Writing Contest Top 15 Winner! For a long time, I have wondered if a women’s church strike would be effective in changing men’s perception of women. Such a notion would probably shock quite a few women as they would see it almost as blasphemy to fight for justice and equality in a church setting. After all, Christ is the head of the church. Some think that church organization is divinely installed. I disagree. Even though it is God’s church, it is managed by mere men. If churches followed the example of Christ, they would be much more egalitarian, respecting the gifts and participation of women like the early church did. The patriarchal structures are man-made, not dropped from heaven in a divinely inspired book of rules. The Strike at Putney: A Picture of Unity Some time ago I came across a short story by L.M. Montgomery (1874–1942) called “The Strike at Putney.” [1] The Women’s Foreign Mission Auxiliary of the Putney Presbyterian congre...